Frequently Asked Questions
We know that people often feel that CrossFit is out of reach for them – they feel they need a certain level of fitness just to try it out. That is not the case. However, CrossFit is a high intensity fitness program that incorporates many different types of working out into each daily “WOD”. When you do CrossFit you will be utilizing weightlifting, gymnastics, cardio, strength equipment such as kettle bells and medicine balls and all manner of body weight movements to become insanely fit. Our 4 class Foundation program will give you the opportunity to learn the foundational movement in a small group, more comfortable setting.
If you are an experienced CrossFitter feel free to jump right into our regular classes. If you’ve only been doing CrossFit for a few months and have never gone through a Foundation program, please take the time to complete our Foundations classes.
The very act of reading our website means you are feeling motivated. We don’t want to dampen that enthusiasm, but we also understand that nothing will put the brakes on a new fitness program quite like feeling like you don’t fit in or don’t know what’s going on. The only thing worse is injury. Taking the time to attend 4 Foundations programs will reduce your chance of injury and will help you understand the pace of a regular class.
We know that 8 p.m. can be a difficult time to work out. However, we believe strongly in the importance of a Foundations program and in the quality of our instruction. In the end, we are asking that you make this commitment a total of 4 times over 2 weeks. When you see the benefits of the program, you will be happy you did.
Take a look at our class schedule and you will see that we offer a complete slate of morning and evening classes including 2 classes each weekend day. Once you make it through the Foundations program, we are confident that you will have no problem finding a class that meets your schedule.
Foundations 1 – Squatting movements: Air Squat, Front Squat and Overhead Squat.
Foundations 2 – Overhead Presses: Strict/Shoulder Press, Push Press, Push Jerk.
Foundations 3 – Deadlift, Clean: Deadlift, Sumo Deadlift High Pull, begin working on Clean
Foundations 4 – Clean & Snatch.
No, jump into the first available class and get started!
Well, after about 15 minutes with a PVC bar, you might re-think the premise of the question, but… yes, there will be a workout during each Foundations class. The workouts will be shorter than you might be used to, but we will demand a high level of intensity.